Empower the Future: Sponsor Our Girls in Tech Hackathon!

Invest in the next generation of female tech leaders from the Bay Area!

LearnigHACK hackathon is a unique opportunity for you to connect with and support a passionate group of high school and middle school students. This event fosters creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork while encouraging young women to pursue careers in technology.

Why Sponsor?

Promote diversity and inclusion:  Show your commitment to bridging the gender gap in tech by supporting a girls-focused hackathon.
Brand awareness:  Increase your brand visibility among future tech leaders and their influential networks.
Positive community impact:  Invest in the future of technology by empowering young women to become innovators and leaders.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer a variety of sponsorship packages tailored to different budgets and marketing goals. Benefits can include:
Logo placement on event website and marketing materials
On-site presence at the hackathon
Mentorship opportunities for your employees
Recognition during the event and awards ceremony
Access to top student talent

Join us in making a difference!

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities and how your company can get involved, please email us at learninghack2024@gmail.com.